Tuesday, 14 May 2013

Broxtowe Enews 14th May 2013

Welcome to Broxtowe Enews, brought to you by the Liberal Democrats and edited by David Watts, the leader of the Lib-Dems on Broxtowe Borough Council. May I give a special welcome to the new readers that we have this week.
May I start by apologising that the Enews is a bit late this week, I was struck down by a heavy cold and not in the best of states to write for the past couple of days.

1.       Broxtowe Core Strategy
Broxtowe Borough Council will be meeting next Monday evening to debate the new core strategy for the borough. This is the central plank of the council’s development plan for the next 15 years. The publicity so far, understandably, has been around housing proposals but the strategies to be debated cover much more, including the environment, the town centres, transport and others. Everyone is welcome to attend. The meeting starts at 7.00pm at the Town Hall, Foster Avenue, Beeston. I will be sending a fact sheet about the core strategy next week, but if you want it in advance it should be on our website at www.broxtoweliberaldemocrats.org.uk during the week.

2.       New Mayor and Deputy Mayor
At the borough council meeting last week Iris White was elected as the new mayor of Broxtowe after having been the deputy mayor last year. The new deputy mayor will be Bramcote Lib-Dem councillor Stan Heptinstall.  As a result Stan will be standing down from the cabinet on the council and his place is being taken by fellow Bramcote Lib-Dem councillor Ian Tyler. (Unfortunately I completely missed tonight’s cabinet meeting as I was stuck in a traffic jam in Leicester for an hour!)

3.       Bramcote Bonanza
The Bramcote School will be holding their Bramcote Bonanza on Friday 12th July from 5.00pm to 8.00pm. This will include stalls, sideshows, live music and face painting. Everyone will be welcome to attend.

4.       School Governors Wanted
White Hills Park Federation of Schools are currently advertising for new school governors. If you would like to take on this important role which supports the school then please contact Karen Sims, Clerk to the Governors on 0115 9078111 for further details.

5.       Same Sex Marriage meeting
Anna Soubry MP is holding a public meeting to discuss the Marriage (Same Sex Couples) Bill on Thursday 16th May, 7:30pm-8:30pm, at Clarkes Lane Methodist Church, Chilwell.   Everyone is welcome to attend.

6.       Beeston Police Station
Work is now well underway to move Beeston Police Station. From early June the police station will be located in the Civic Centre on Foster Avenue, along with the borough council and Citizens Advice Bureaux. A Police front counter service will be open from Monday to Thursday, 8.30am until 5.00pm, and Fridays 8.30am until 4.30pm.

7.       Stag Recreation Ground, Kimberley
The Stag Recreation Ground in Kimberley is getting a £200,000 makeover and school children are being asked to choose the equipment. £35,000 of the funding has come from Broxtowe Borough Council, £50,000 came from Nottinghamshire County Council’s Local Improvement Scheme and a contribution of £18,600 was made by Kimberley Town Council. The town council, which is running the project, is now applying for £100,000 Landfill Funding to make up the total. The views of residents and local children about what equipment should be installed on the park can on the Kimberley Town Council website at www.kimberleytowncouncil.org.uk.  

8.       Housing Application for Nuthall
Developers have submitted plans to build a 550 house development in Nuthall alongside the A6002. This is on a site where the HS2 is proposed to pass through, although it’s fair to say that the HS2 staff didn’t know anything about the proposals until I told them about it at a recent meeting. The application will need to be considered by the Development Control Committee in the future.

9.       New Trees
Beeston and District Civic Society engaged at the end of last month in a programme of planting new trees across the town, following suggestions from local residents as to the possible locations. This is an excellent project and they have also asked local residents to take on the role of tree guardians to water and look after the new plantings. Trees were planted in five locations across Beeston.

10.   Kimberley Pram Race
It was disappointing to read this week that Kimberley Town Council are considering stopping the towns annual pram race. Unfortunately in recent years drunken behaviour associated with the event have led to complaints and difficulties ensuring that the event can be properly policed. It is a shame that the actions of a drunken minority may have spoiled it for the majority who usually enjoy the event.

As ever thank you for your support for this newsletter. Any feedback is gratefully received.

Best wishes

Follow me on Twitter @davidwatts12.

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