Sunday, 28 April 2013

Broxtowe Enews 27th April 2013

Welcome to Broxtowe Enews, brought to you by the Liberal Democrats and edited by David Watts, the leader of the Lib-Dems on Broxtowe Borough Council.

1. Beeston Traffic
I’ve received a number of complaints this week from people about the problems with traffic in Beeston. I’ve made some enquiries and apparently a sewer collapsed under Queens Road, which necessitated emergency repairs. This couldn’t have happened at a worse time, but it has now been fixed and hopefully things will be better next week.

2. HS2
A meeting took place on Friday between representatives from HS2 and Broxtowe councillors. I was very impressed with their apparent willingness to engage with us about concerns over the route. If you’re on my HS2 list then you will have received a report about this meeting earlier today, but f not you can read it on our web site at If anyone wants adding to the HS2 list just let me know.

3. Anti-Social Behaviour
I reported last week about the threats that have been made to me over Twitter. Unfortunately matters have taken a turn for the worse this week after a group of teenagers targeted my house on Friday night, banging on the doors and windows and engaging in some very threatening behaviour. Given that I live in the middle of a cul-de-sac estate it’s not very likely that this was a random attack and more likely that we were being targeted. We had to report this to the police who are now investigating. This was all the more disturbing given that my two children were asleep inside at the time.
I have to say that of all the things that have happened in the 14 years I’ve been a councillor this is by far the most disturbing and is the first time that I’ve ever contemplated packing it all in. I’m not prepared to subject my children to risk and they have to come first. However the sun came out the next morning and I woke up feeling far better, so in the words of Elton John “I’m still standing.”

4. Trains in the Summer
I’m aware that an email was circulated last week to a number of residents in Broxtowe saying that when Nottingham station closes for rebuilding in the summer all the services would run to and from Beeston instead. This is quite simply incorrect. Network Rail have decided to use East Midlands Parkway as the alternative terminus.

5. Beeston Express/Anna Soubry
When the Beeston Express carried out a readers survey recently one of the main bits of feedback was that they wanted more varied political comment. As a result the editor approached a number of people, including me, to see if we would contribute articles from time to time. I’ve agreed to do so. Unfortunately Anna Soubry, who has been writing a regular column, has reacted in an extremely childish way to this. In her latest newsletter she wrote :
“For many years the previous MP had a monthly column in the small community paper The Beeston Express - right up to the General Election in 2010. Since my election I have had the same opportunity to communicate with constituents about my work on a non partisan basis. Unfortunately, the Editor has exercised her right and has decided to cancel my monthly column.

For some time people have been complaining to me that the Beeston Express is no longer the great impartial community newspaper it once was. I am disappointed that the Editor chose to ignore two statements from me about Field Farm and has now refused me the same opportunity as my predecessor. I will continue to express my views and provide updates on my work via this newsletter.”
I’ve quoted her directly here so that I can’t be accused of misrepresenting her. I understand from Sheila Eden, the Editor of Beeston Express,  that she was still happy for Anna to write a regular column but that it is Anna who has decided not to continue with it. I did have to have Anna’s email forwarded to me because she has deleted a number of people who disagree with her, including me, from her mailing list.

6. County Council Elections
It is election day on Thursday 2nd May. The Lib Dem candidates are Steve Carr – Beeston North, Stan Heptinstall and Jacky Wlliams – Bramcote and Stapleford, Keith Longdon – Eastwood, Ken Rigby – Kimberley and Trowell, Brian Taylor – Beeston South and Attenborough, Josie Forrest – Greasley, and Barbara Carr and myself for Chilwell and Toton. If you like what the Lib-Dems are doing locally (including this newsletter which is now read by many hundreds of people each week) then please give us your vote on Thursday.
Unfortunately a dog was so eager to demonstrate support for my colleague Steve Carr the other day that it bit him on the finger and he’s now strapped up. I read a leaflet this week from a candidate who said that if elected he would ensure that his councillors fund was spent in his division. That is actually what every councillor does and that’s what their divisional fund is for. A couple of weeks ago I said that the independent candidate in Stapleford had his leaflets printed in Aberdeen. He’s pointed out to me that this is an error and they were in fact printed in Dundee. I’m happy to put the record straight.

7. Free Paint
The Community repaint Nottinghamshire Scheme (which I confess I had never heard of before) has arranged to distribute free paint from Beeston recycling centre. This will be on 19th June from 5.00pm to 7.30pm and pre-booking is essential. There is no limit to the amount of paint that people can take. To reserve a time slot call the County Council on 0300 500 8080.

8. A Peaceful Place
A survey by the UK peace index says that Nottinghamshire is the third most peaceful place in the country where there is a major city on it’s doorsteps. They define peaceful as being an absence of violence. This fits in with newly published figures I mentioned a few weeks ago which shows that crime rates in the city are falling substantially.

9. Police Neighbourhood Survey
Notts Police are currently running a survey about peoples concerns for their areas. You can complete the survey online at

10. Bramcote Netball Club
Bramcote Netball Club have launched a new juniors club for girls from year 5 or above. It meets every Friday during term times between 4.45 – 6.00pm at Bilborough College Sports Centre. The first session is free and others are only £3 a time. Details are available from

11. White Lion Beer Festival
There is a Camra Local Beer Festival at the White Lion on Town Street, Bramcote, between 23rd  and 27th  May, which will feature 10 beers brewed within  a 10 mile radius of Bramcote.

12. Toton Planning Applications
Peverills, who have applied for planning permission to build a large new housing estate on green belt land in Toton, have amended their application. Details can be seen at, by entering the reference 12/00585/OUT in the search box on the planning tab.

As ever thank you for your support for this newsletter. Any feedback is gratefully received. I will send a short email with the election results on Friday, but there will be no main newsletter this week due to the bank holiday.

Best wishes

Follow me on Twitter @davidwatts12.

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