Sunday, 21 July 2013

Broxtowe Enews 21st July 2012

Welcome to Broxtowe Enews, brought to you by the Liberal Democrats and edited by David Watts, the leader of the Lib-Dems on Broxtowe Borough Council.

1.       Beeston Town Centre
At the Development Control meeting on Wednesday the borough council gave planning permission for a redevelopment of the Beeston Square.  Many of the members of the committee expressed disappointment that the plans were not as inspired as we would have hoped but the prevailing view was that we had to give permission to get something done. I was in a minority of one who voted against the proposals as I felt that they were just not good enough.

2.       Oxylane Sports Village
Also on Wednesday night the committee looked at the proposals to develop a sports village at land next to the M1 junction 26. The application was for a multi-million pound development creating 250 new jobs, but the big disadvantage was that it was on green belt land. This was a much closer vote and the application was refused by 6 votes to 5.

3.       Nottingham Railway Station
Nottingham Railway Station is now closed for 5 weeks. This is also affecting services through Beeston as well. I’m already regretting agreeing to a meeting in London at 9am tomorrow morning. If travelling by train please ensure that you check the details.

4.       Watnall Bunker
An old World War Two bunker in Watnall is set to be turned into a bed and breakfast. The bunker on land off Main Road - which used to be an RAF plotting station – was bought two years ago and the  Council have now given planning permission for it to be converted.

5.       Grass Cutting
Last week my colleagues Stan Heptinstall and Jacky Williams presented our grass cutting petition to the County Council. There have also been numerous other complaints to the County over the state of verges in Broxtowe and in recent days they look like they have been putting much more effort into doing things correctly. The areas that I have seen in recent days which have had a second cut look far better than they did after the first. At the same time my colleague Ian Tyler has been in contact with the Highways Agency and as a result of this the grass along the A52  was cut on Friday night.

6.       Parks and Open Spaces
Broxtowe residents are being encouraged to go online and have their say on to help inform a new Broxtowe Parks Standard. An online questionnaire is available at  on the Broxtowe Borough Council website and is quick and easy to fill in, using a series of drop down boxes and point and click answers. The views of local residents are really important in formulating the standards of facilities and services in local councils and so I’d encourage everyone to spend a few minutes completing it.

7.       Tram Jobs
I was delighted to read this week that the tram is about to create it’s 1,000th new job. Broxtowe residents, along with those from Nottingham, get priority on these and so many local residents will have benefited from these.  I was asked this week about a rumour that the construction work was 18 months behind schedule. I must say that I have never heard this and would be very surprised if it was true, given the very strong penalty clauses in the contracts.

8.       HS2
This week Derbyshire County Council formally backed plans to develop the East Midlands station for HS2 at Toton, rather than Derby. This means that only Derby City Council are now arguing that Derby should be the location, and makes it even more likely that the development will be at Toton. Derbyshire County Council will be proposing a further extension to the tram network when HS2 is built, extending it from Toton through to Long Eaton.
The public consultation on HS2 has now opened. This will run until the end of the year and will include a public exhibition in October. The details of the consultation are available at

9.       Stapleford Local History Society
The next meeting of Stapleford Local History Society will take place on 14th August at the Maycliffe Hall, starting at 7.30pm. The theme will be “Stapleford Past and Present.” Admission for non-members is £3.50.

10.   Crime Levels Down
Crime in Nottinghamshire has fallen by 12% between April last year and March of this year, continuing a trend that has been developing for the past few years. Despite the recession crime is at a lower level now than for many years. Encouragingly, not only are there less crimes but the number of people committing crime has also fallen.

11.   Kate Beckinsale Visit
Hollywood actress Kate Beckinsale visited Chilwell school on Wednesday to unveil a plaque to her late father  Richard Beckinsale, who was a pupil at the school. A number of other well known celebrities, including David Walliams, came for the event as well. Congratulations to everyone at the school who was involved in organising it.

12.   Stapleford Carnival
The organisers of Stapleford Carnival have announced this week that they have had to reluctantly cancel the parade which normally starts the event. This is because the police will not provide policing at the event. However the rest of the carnival will go ahead on 7th September at the Ilkeston Road Recreation Ground.

13.   Trowell FC Soccer School
Trowell FC have launched a soccer school for children aged between 5 and 7 years old every Saturday morning at William Lilley School in Stapleford. Sessions cost £2 and more details can be obtained by ringing 07747 190341.

14.   Summer Activities
The borough council have published a booklet listing many summer activities for children and young people. You can obtain a copy by ringing the council on 0115 917 7777 and many details will also be on the council’s website.

15.   August Break
Next weeks edition of the newsletter will be the last one until September. As with previous years I will not be publishing newsletters during August so if you have any activities during August that you would like publicising please make sure that I have the details by next weekend.

As ever thank you for your support for this newsletter. Any feedback is gratefully received.

Best wishes

Follow me on Twitter @davidwatts12.

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