Welcome to Broxtowe Enews, brought to you by the Liberal
Democrats and edited by David Watts, the leader of the Lib-Dems on Broxtowe
Borough Council. I hope that everyone has had a good August and those who have
been on holiday have found it a good and refreshing time, even though the
British weather wasn’t great.
Council Consultation
Broxtowe Borough Council is currently consulting people
about the various options open to us regarding council tax and other benefits
in the future. Every household should have had a letter this week so if you
haven’t received one please let me know and I’ll ensure a second copy is sent
to you. If you have received one please do take the opportunity to complete it
and let us know your views.
Attenborough Nature Reserve
Congratulations to the staff and volunteers who run
Attenborough Nature Reserve, after Countryfile Magazine named it as Britain’s
second most popular nature reserve in a vote of it’s readers. This is excellent
news and is a great advert for the area.
Beeston Open Days
The Beeston and District Civic Society have organised a
series of open days over this week highlighting some of the best of Beeston.
Full details of the events are available at www.beestoncivicsociety.org.uk
but the visit to the old Chilwell Ordinance Deport is now fully booked.
Fire Service Recruitment
Notts Fire Service will be recruiting new permanent fire
fighters next year and online applications will open on Thursday of this week.
Their website is at http://www.notts-fire.gov.uk/index.asp.
DH Lawrence Festival
This years DH Lawrence Festival begins on Wednesday evening.
Amongst those taking part this year are actor Robert Lindsay, screen writer
William Ivory and film director Christopher Miles. Full details of the
programme are available at www.dhlawrenceheritage.org
Outstanding Achievement 4Uth Awards
Congratulations to 16 year old Dexter Atkinson from
Stapleford, who has been voted as the boroughs Young Person of Achievement this
year. He is a young man who has gone from being a young rebel to a high
achiever, and truly is a role model that others can follow.
Sport Nottinghamshire
Sport Nottinghamshire is
currently looking to recruit new board members. They say they are looking for individuals
who have gained public respect and credibility, can demonstrate vision and
leadership, and have a track record of building relationships, effective
networking and making things happen. If you are interested details can be
obtained from Ian Wakefield, email: ian.wakefield@ntu.ac.uk or by calling 0115 848 3469.
8. Creative
Writing Course
A 12 week Creative Writing
course will be held on Tuesday evenings 7 - 9pm in Beeston, commencing in later
this month. Lead by an experienced and published writer the course is
intermediate level and will suit participants with a firm grasp of the English
language and some experience of writing, who wish to improve their writing as a
hobby or for publication.
Course costs £120 (payable on week 1) and will include:
- Genre specific writing
- Developing personal style
- Combining text with image
- Advanced critiquing
- Methods of research
- Development of personal interest project supported by research
- Analysis of popular works
- Production of a developed portfolio
- Ongoing tuition and support
To enquire or enroll, please contact Christina: agibunny@hotmail.com or 07804 942 578
Course costs £120 (payable on week 1) and will include:
- Genre specific writing
- Developing personal style
- Combining text with image
- Advanced critiquing
- Methods of research
- Development of personal interest project supported by research
- Analysis of popular works
- Production of a developed portfolio
- Ongoing tuition and support
To enquire or enroll, please contact Christina: agibunny@hotmail.com or 07804 942 578
9. Paradiso
Cinema Events
On Friday 7th September at 6.30pm
Paradiso Cinema will be hosting a "Heritage
Open Days" event at Chilwell Arts Theatre, Chilwell School, NG9 5AL. This
consists of Live Morris Dancing Followed by the film, "Morris, A Life with
Bells On" (12A) at 7.30pm. Refreshments will be on sale from 6.30pm whilst
you watch the dancers and admission is free.
On Friday 14th September at 7.30pm Paradiso
Cinema present The Artist, winner of 5 Oscars in 2012, at Chilwell Arts
Theatre, Chilwell School, NG9 5AL. Tickets are available on the door for £5 (£4
concessions ). Come at 7pm for refreshments.
10. Councillors
New research has shown that Notts
County Council pays more in allowances to it’s councillors than any other
County authority in the country. The basic allowance for a County Councillor in
Nottinghamshire is £12,906. I am not and have never been a County Councillor,
but I do know that my county colleagues have a substantial workload and I know
that the basic allowance I receive as a
borough councillor wouldn’t cover the minimum wage for the hours that I put in.
11. Police
As announced some time ago, Notts
Police chief Constable Julia Hodson retired on Thursday. She is being replaced
by Chris Eyre, her deputy Chief Constable.
12. Amnesty
A letter writing evening is being
held by Amnesty in Beeston tomorrow (Monday) night starting at 7.30pm. People
are invited to write letters to governments around the world to urge them to
prevent human rights abuses. The meeting is at the Commercial Inn on Wollaton
Road and everyone is welcome to attend.
13. Overgrown
Roads and Footpaths
Notts County Council have
announced that they will be spraying weed killer on roads and pavements for the
third time this summer starting next week. Usually they only do it twice during
the summer and this third spray is a direct result of the wet summer that we
have had.
That completes the news for this
week but may I indulge for a moment in a comment about the legacy of the
Olympics and Paralympics. My family and I had a wonderful day on the Middle
Monday of the games, watching David Rudesha destroy the field in the 800 metres
amongst other events. The park is sensational and the whole Olympics was truly
inspiring. The Paralympics is following the same path.
I think that the legacies that we
can take from this are not just many more people interested in sport (my older
daughter has signed up for athletics since the games, wanting to be the next
Jessica Ennis) but a real change in national attitudes. The public reaction and
response to the Olympics has been fantastic and contrasts so strongly to the
quite aggressive attitudes that can be found every week in football grounds
towards the opposing fans (and I’m a passionate football fan). Hopefully this
friendlier attitude can gain ground.
Second I really hope that the
media will drop their obsession with pseudo-celebrities whose only claim to
fame has been appearing on some second rate reality TV programme or something
of that ilk, and concentrate instead on real celebrities who have dedicated
their lives to being at the pinnacle of their sports. (My view here has been
reinforced by the death last month of Neil Armstrong, a real celebrity of ever
there was one but a truly modest and humble man.)
As ever thank you for your support for this newsletter, and any
feedback is gratefully received.
Best wishes
Follow me on Twitter at @DavidWatts12.
Visit our Facebook page at http://www.facebook.com/pages/Broxtowe-Liberal-Democrats/78471665107
Email me at davidwatts@broxtoweliberaldemocrats.org.uk
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