Sunday, 15 July 2012

Broxtowe Enews 15th July 2012

Welcome to Broxtowe Enews, brought to you by the Liberal Democrats and edited by David Watts, the leader of the Lib-Dems on Broxtowe Borough Council. May I give a special welcome to the new readers that we have this week. There isn’t as much news to report as usual, which I suspect is because we are getting close to the summer break. I’ll carry on doing the newsletter until the end of July but, as usual, there won’t be any during August unless something important occurs. If anyone gets withdrawal symptom’s you will hopefully be able to hear me on Radio Nottingham in August as part of their Olympic Coverage when I take my family down to London to see some of the athletics.

1.       Midland Mainline
There are strong rumours circulating that the coalition government is to announce tomorrow that they will be funding the electrification of the Midland Mainline. This will be extremely good news if it is true. It will mean that we have faster and cleaner trains, and the investment will generate significant job opportunities as well.

2.       Weeds on Paths and Verges
In April this year responsibility for looking after the footpaths and verges passed from the borough council to the county council. They have informed us this week that they are now five weeks behind with their programme of cutting paths and verges. This is why so many areas look overgrown. I am one of a number of councillors who have complained about this, but the county council have told us that they will not make any alterations to their order for doing things to address the worst areas.

3.       Housing Numbers in Broxtowe
As many people will know Broxtowe Borough Council is currently putting together a new local plan, which identifies that 6,150 houses will be needed over the next 15 years to cope with the growth in population in Broxtowe. This is currently out for consultation. However I was able to announce at the council meeting on Tuesday that some new research has been published which suggests that the level of demand across Greater Nottingham may have been over-estimated by about 5,000 homes, and if this is confirmed then I will be arguing strongly that Broxtowe should take the largest share of this reduction, given that we have the highest density and the lowest amount of available land.
If you live in or around Kimberley there is a public meeting on Tuesday evening for residents to discuss the councils plans. It takes place at Kimberley Parish Hall at 7.00pm.
Finally on this topic there was a debate in parliament about Broxtowe’s housing strategy on Friday, organised by Anna Soubry. Needless to say this was not something that interested many other MP’s and there were only about three people in the chamber, and poor Anna was rather sent away with a flea in her ear by the Minister of State.

4.       Planning Application in Toton
Following on from the last item Peverill Homes have announced that they are submitting a planning application to build 775 houses on green belt land, between the top of Toton and the bottom of Stapleford. The council have previously indicated that we would not support development here and so it is unlikely that planning permission would be granted. The developers are aware of this and must be hoping that the Secretary of State will override local wishes and grant planning permission.

5.       Temporary Police Station
The police have created a temporary police station based at Inham Nook Community Centre during July and August. This is in response to a problem with burglaries in thhe area aand will mean that the police will be based nearer to enable them to respond more quickly and to increase the number of patrols that they have in the area.

6.       Sainsbury’s Charity Vote
Sainsbury’s in Beeston have recently run a vote amongst customers to select the charity they were to fund next year. The winner is the cancer suffers hospice at City Hospital.

7.       More Cyclists
An interesting statistic this week was that there has been a 10% increase on cyclists using cycling paths on the county over the past twelve months.  There will no doubt me many reasons for this but I hope that the investment that the borough council has put into cycle paths and facilities will be a part of it.

8.       Police Priorities
Police officers coving Toton, Chilwell and Attenborough are holding an open meeting to set their priorities for the next three months. The meeting takes place at Banks Road School on Wednesday at 7pm.

9.       Kimberley Blood Donors
People are being urged to give blood in Kimberley on July 26. Donor sessions will take place 1pm to 3.15pm and 4.45pm to 7.30pm at Kimbrley Leisure Centre and anyone aged between 17 - 65, weighing more than 50 kg, or seven stone 12lbs and in general good health can become a blood donor. To book an appointment call the Donor Line on 0300 123 23 23 or visit

As ever thank you for your support for this newsletter, and any feedback is gratefully received.
Best wishes
Follow me on Twitter at @DavidWatts12. 

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