Saturday, 28 April 2012

Broxtowe Enews 28th April 2012

Welcome to Broxtowe Enews, brought to you by the Liberal Democrats and edited by David Watts, the leader of the Lib-Dems on Broxtowe Borough Council.
1.       Future Building Plans
Thank you for all the comments that I have received following my extra email during the week. We had a meeting of the Lib-Dem council group last night and I was able to relay these comments on to everyone else. I do believe that the decisions we take over the next couple of weeks will be the most important that we ever take as councillors as they will fundamentally affect the whole future of Broxtowe. I hope that next week I will be able to attach a briefing sheet to the newsletter setting out the issues as I see them, in a non-partisan way.  May I also stress that the report by the officers which I circulated during the week is the starting point for discussion and this does not mean that their proposals are those that the council will adopt. I’ve had a letter, as all councillors have, this week from our MP asking us to reject the whole of the proposals. Unfortunately not only I it misspelt but she gets the law wrong about the consequences of us doing so. What I do promise everyone is that not one councillor of any party will take the decision lightly. The issues have been discussed at great length already and will be during the cabinet and council meetings.

2.       Open Cast Mining proposal
I didn’t know whether this should be the first or second story this week because it is probably almost equally important. UK Coal have now applied for permission to create an open cast mine at Shortwood Farm, between Trowell and Cossall. This is an issue which will unite all three parties as we are all opposed to it. It will wreck an important part of the green belt and of the DH Lawrence Heritage. I was surprised though to hear that a Labour councillor thought a campaign group might spring up – it has already been in existence for a while. Mining is an issue dealt with by the county council and so it will be up to Notts CC to decide this. Broxtowe will have our say but we don’t get to make the decision. I did meet the applicants last year, as many local residents did, and I asked them if they could produce any residents from other sites who had opposed schemes but were willing to say that they had then changed their minds because of the good way that UK Coal dealt with the site. They couldn’t produce anyone. That speaks volumes to me.

3.       Beeston Bus Stations
Changes will be made to the layout of Beeston Bus Station next week in preparation for the demolition of the multi-storey car park next week. All buses will use a one way system coming in via Styring Street and out onto Station Road, with some of the stops being moved onto Styring Street. A leaflet has been prepared about this and you can download it from our website at

4.       Mick Atherton
Some very sad news to report is that Mick Atherton, husband of councillor Eileen Atherton and a long standing stalwart of the Beeston Civic Society, sadly passed away this week. May I send my deepest condolences to Eileen and her family. The funeral will take place next Friday at Bramcote Crematorium at 11am.

5.       Toton Petition
Toton Environmental Protection Society have been collecting signatures over the past few weeks from local residents opposed to  the plans by Peverill builders to develop an 800 house estate at the edge of Toton.  This is part of the housing proposals that will  be discussed by the council on 16th May. The petition now numbers well over 2,000 signatures and they have done me the honour of asking me to present it on their behalf at the next full council meeting, which I am delighted to do.

6.       White Hills Park School
White Hills Park School (which comprises Bramcote Park and Alderman White schools) is currently considering whether or not to convert to an academy. As part of the process they have organised two consultation meetings with prospective parents, which will be at the Bramcote Park school on 17th May and at Alderman White school on 24th May. Both will begin at 6.30pm. If you are a prospective parent who wishes to attend please contact Karen Sims on 0115 907 8111 or

7.       Early Days Nursery
The Early Days nursery, currently based at Wadsworth Field Primary School in Stapleford, have been told by the school that they will need to find a new home by September. The school say that they now need to the rooms for school children as they are taking children at an earlier age.

8.       Super Fast Broadband
The Government have announced that they will be providing a grant of £4.25 million towards the costs of improving the speed of broadband in Nottinghamshire. The various councils whose residents will benefit from this, including Broxtowe, are providing a further £3.25 million. In a competitive business market having access to super fast broadband will be essential for our local businesses and will ensure that we have every advantage when trying to attract new businesses to the area.

9.       Nottingham Mayor Referendum
As you may be aware there is a referendum taking place next week in Nottingham about whether to have an elected mayor or not. This is only for residents of Nottingham City and so as Broxtowe residents we don’t get a vote. Equally the mayor, if appointed, would have no power here. However the Nottingham Post have already started discussing whether or not the city boundaries should be extended to include large parts of Broxtowe. I am totally opposed to this. We’re not getting a say on whether or not to have a mayor and so why should we then have to put up with having one? More generally, I don’t want to be part of Nottingham City. I live in Broxtowe and am proud to do so.

As ever thank you for your support for this newsletter, and any feedback is gratefully received.
Best wishes
Follow me on Twitter at @DavidWatts12. 

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