Welcome to Broxtowe Enews, brought to you by the Liberal Democrats and edited by David Watts, the leader of the Lib-Dems on Broxtowe Borough Council. It’s a quiet week news wise this week, but there are a few things going on.
1. Twitter
I’m now on Twitter and will start tweeting (I think that’s the right phrase) from this week. If anyone wants to follow me I’m DavidWatts12. Updates from the newsletter will be tweeted as often as possible, including any significant decisions straight after council meetings. I hope people will join me there.
2. Paint
Thanks to a reader for alerting me to this. The household waste site at Beeston won’t take tins of paint, and on checking with the County Council they say that these should be taken to Calverton. This would be a 30 mile round trip just to get rid of a tin of paint! The County Council said that they are looking at alternatives and I’ll be pressing them to do this quickly. Unfortunately they tell me that it is unlikely to be before next summer.
3. Sale of Bramwell
I reported previously about how the County Council had sold 6 nursing homes, including Bramwell in Bramcote, massively under value. Lib-Dem County Councillor Stan Heptinstall has now written to the District Auditor asking them to investigate the sale. Councillors have a duty to act in the best interests of the whole county, and selling assets massively under value does not seem to be doing that. We’ll keep you posted.
4. Rumbletums Fundraising
A TRUSTEE of Rumbletums café in Kimberley is having all her hair shaved off to raise money for the charity. Wendy Tompkins, who lives in Bramcote, has raised £700 in sponsorship and is splitting the money between the café in Newdigate Street, which offers training opportunities to students with learning difficulties, and MacMillan Cancer. Well done to her.
5. Grants to Artists
Artists and community groups across Nottinghamshire are being urged to apply for funding from a pot of more than £30,000 from Nottinghamshire County Council. Grants of between £500 and £2,500 areavailable for a range of one-off arts projects from the Nottinghamshire Arts Fund. For more details and to apply for funding, visit Nottinghamshire County Council’s website at www.nottinghamshire.gov.uk/artsgrants.
6. School Rebuilding
PRIMARY schools in Eastwood and Brinsley could be re-built as part of plans to give 55 of the county’s schools a makeover. Nottinghamshire County Council has applied to the Government for a slice of the £2bn it is making available to rebuild schools. The council will ask for funding to rebuild 11 secondary schools, two academies, one special school and 41 primary schools – including Lynncroft Primary School in Eastwood and Brinsley Primary School.
7. Council Customer Service Award
The Borough Councils customer service team have been awarded the Institute of Customer Service ServiceMark award for the second year running, showing the emphasis that the council places on dealing with members of the public to the highest standard. The council were also shortlisted for five awards at the Association of Public Service Excellence awards.
8. Money for Community Groups
British Land, who own the Giltbrook Retail Park, are making money available for community groups. They are looking to fund community projects between £1,000 and £50,000 as part of their community responsibility fund. My colleague Ken Rigby is the County Councillor for the area and will happily receive any ideas, which he will pass on to British Land.
9. Good news from the Post Office
One piece of good news this week is that the Padge Road delivery centre in Beeston has been guaranteed to be protected from closure. The Post Office have confirmed that they are closing other offices but they are moving the facilities to Beeston.
10. Wind Turbine in Beeston
Nottingham University have flown a blimp at the site they wish to erect three wind turbines on showing how high they will be, although protestors are complaining that the blimp was actually flown at the wrong height. I’m afraid that I didn’t see it to be able to comment.
11. New Kits For Priory Celtic
Priory Celtic Football Club in Kimberley have been awarded £5,000 from the Football Foundation to pay for new kits.
12. Brinsley Carnival
I’m afraid that it’s now been confirmed that Brinsley Carnival is over. The committee running it has been unable to attract new volunteers and so the carnival has been wound up.
13. Kimberley Leisure Centre
A new range of activities launch at Kimberley Leisure Centre tomorrow (10th October) including street dance for adults and children, as well as Zumba. Details are available from the Leisure Centre.
14. Beeston North CAT
The Community Action Team meeting for Beeston North takes place at Boundary Road church on 11th October from 7.00pm. Any local residents are welcome to attend.
As ever thank you for your support for this newsletter. Any feedback will be gratefully received.
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