Welcome to Broxtowe Enews, brought to you by the Liberal Democrats and edited by David Watts, the leader of Broxtowe Borough Council.
May I start with two apologies. First this is a day late coming out, and second it will be a bit shorter than usual. The reason for both is the same. I’m afraid that I have tonsillitis, and so I’ve not been up to collating everything that I usually do. This is also the reason that I haven’t replied to all my outstanding correspondence yet, so if you’re still waiting for a reply I will get back to you in the next few days. Normal service will be resumed next week (I hope).
1. Royal Wedding Street Parties
First a message from the County Council highways department. If people are planning to hold street parties to celebrate the royal wedding then please let them know so that they can make arrangements to have the streets properly closed off. You can register online at www.nottinghamshire.gov.uk or by phone on 0115 878 6050. The deadline for registrations is 31st March.
2. Trip to Downing Street
I didn’t let a bit of poor health prevent me visiting Downing Street on Wednesday. I met David Cameron and Nick Clegg and was able to discuss Broxtowe with them both. I also had a longer time with Andrew Stunnell, the Local Government minister, and was able to discuss the pressures to build on the green belt with him. I think that it’s important to press with ministers the point that Broxtowe simply doesn’t have room to build many more houses. We will build what we can, as we want to make sure that there are enough homes for people who want them, but it’s vitally important that we protect the green belt.
3. Sir Dennis Pettit
The funeral of Sir Dennis, the former leader of the County Council, took place at Bramcote crematorium on Friday. I was surprised to read in the paper that “a number of councillors” from the County Council had asked whether they could claim expenses to attend.
4. Family Fun Day at Ikea
Children are being urged to wear wellies to Ikea on Wednesday 16th February as part of a family fun day. There will be a chance to learn about woodlands and to win prizes. It is being organised by the Woodland Trust.
5. Beeston CAT Meeting
There will be a Community Action Trust meeting at Boundary Road Community Centre on 15th February starting at 7.30pm. All local residents are welcome to attend. I will just mention here that the future of CAT meetings is currently being reviewed and if you have any comments on them then they would be very grateful to hear. You can send them direct to the council or send them to me and I will forward them on.
6. Workers Education Association
The Beeston Branch of the WEA still have some places available on many of their courses, which include floristry, creative writing, reading for pleasure and digital photography. For more details ring Betty Cliffe on 0115 922 2627.
7. Beeston Rylands Methodist Church
Beeston Rylands Methodist Church, where I have had the pleasure to have preached on a number of occasions, is celebrating it’s diamond anniversary this year. They are planning to produce an anniversary booklet and would like people’s stories and memories of the church and their boys and girls brigade companies. If you can help please give them a call on 0115 946 8277.
8. Youth Mayor
On Wednesday this week the Youth Mayor, Tilly Stone, became the first non-councillor ever to address Broxtowe Borough Council. We have changed the rules to make the council more interactive and to ensure that young people’s voices are heard, and as part of this we have given the youth mayor the right to speak about young peoples issues at every meeting of the borough council, and to speak on any other issues under debate. Tilly took the opportunity to speak about the work of the Youth Council and was extremely confident and accomplished in doing this.
9. Running for adults
Two of the council’s adult running clubs have spaces for new members. At Brinsley the group meetings at the recreation ground on Monday’s at 6.30pm. On Tuesday’s there is a ladies only class meeting at Bramcote Park at 6.30pm. Both groups are free of charge, and further details are available from 01773 770100.
10. Mayors Charity Ball
The mayor’s charity ball, with a 1940’s theme, will be on 12th March at the East Midlands Conference centre. The first prize in the raffle will be a new front door provided by KLG Amazing Glazing ion Beeston, worth £800. The two charities which will be supported by the ball are the local Parish Pantry and the St George’s Mother and Baby hospital in Nigeria.
11. County Out Of The Tram
The County Council have now formally withdrawn from the tram. I think that this is incredibly short sighted of them. The Tories who run the County Council tell us that they are not anti-ytram, only anti-route, but of course they have now abandoned the position they held where they could determine future routes. Any expansion of the tram system from now on will be based solely on what is good for the city, not what is good for the wider county.
12. MP Plans to Ban naming Crime Suspects
Broxtowe MP Anna Soubry has tabled a back bench bill in parliament to ban the naming of people suspected of committing a crime until they have been charged. She is proposing certain safeguards, such as the powers for a judge to override this in appropriate circumstances, and given the way that Jo Yeates landlord was vilified by the press when he was arrested for her murder in Bristol recently (something which someone else was subsequently charged with committing) then I can see the merit in Anna’s proposals. This will be a controversial bill but personally I think that it should succeed.
13. Open Evening for Prospective Councillors
Just a quick reminder that there will be an open evening for anyone interested in being a councillor on Broxtowe on 22nd February at 6pm. Refreshments will be available from 5.30pm. Details are available from 0115 917 3365.
14. A52 Closures
The A52 will be closed overnight in stages from 27th February through to 18th March, between Bardills Island and Derby. This is for the Highways Agency to install new lighting columns.
As ever thank you for your support for this newsletter and any feedback is gratefully received.
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