Wednesday, 6 May 2009

Disgraceful Tories

The Conservatives in Beeston have been distributing a leaflet falsly claiming that former councillor Adele Brunton resigned because she "hated" the Liberal Democrats. This is wholly untrue. Adele stepped down from the Council for personal reasons, which we wanted to remain private, but she remains a committed and paid up member of the Liberal Democrats. Adele has sent the following reply to the Tory leaflet:

"I am a paid up member of the Liberal Democrat Party to this day and intend to remain so.

I have stood down primarily for personal reasons, and serious health and bereavement issues affecting my closest family which have been ongoing for over 20 months prior to my resignation.

If any leaflet suggests that I have resigned because "I hate the Liberal Democrats", this is a clear mispresentation of my circumstances, and I am still at a time of bereavement and loss. Also, whoever produced/authorized this leaflet, has not spoken to me directly, and therefore its credibility is totally unfounded. This is an unwelcome leaflet which has caused upset and offence to me and my former Beeston Councillor colleagues, especially Steve Carr.

I entirely endorse our new Liberal Democrat Borough Candidate, for Beeston North, as I continue to support your"s and my existing County Councillor Steve Carr.

I would urge anyone who has received this Conservative leaflet to dismiss it as opportunistic and sensational, and without consideration to my circumstances.

I might also care to remind all that in the 2007 Borough Elections, the Conservative Candidate did NOT stand in his local ward of Beeston North, but in Stapleford: so much can be questioned about this candidate"s recent consistency and loyalty to Beeston and Beeston North."

We hope that Beeston residents will be reassured by this and that it will make any who were going to support the Conservatives think again.

On a lighter note the same Tory leaflet claimed that the Lib-Dems could not win in Beeston North, ignoring the fact that we hold the current county seat with over 60% of the vote, as well as holding all four borough seats that comprise the county division. Oh dear Mr Cameron.

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