Thursday, 14 February 2008

Chewton Street Application Rejected

Plans to build a lage new housing estate next to an old tip in Chewton Street, Eastwood, were rejected last night by Broxtowe's Development Control Committee. Lib-Dem Councillors have been at the forefront of opposition to this scheme, and Cllr Bob Charlesworth chaired a public meeting last week for local residents to express their views. At last nights meeting Cllrs Charlie Robb and David Watts both spoke against the scheme. Cllr Robb referred to the health risks and traffic problems that this new scheme would cause, and Cllr Watts said that if it was allowed this development would become a new slum. "No-one would choose to live there, so these houses would go to those who could not afford to live anywhere else," sd Cllr Watts.

Following the opposition from the Lib-Dems the plans were rejected unanimously by the committee.

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