Tuesday, 30 October 2007

Middleton Crescent, Beeston

Two planning applications which have been submitted to the council regarding Middleton Crescent in Beeston North are causing concern for local residents. An application relating to number 5 Middleton Crescent is to demolish the existing building and construct a care home. This at the moment is only at outline stage, and so the details are yet to be determined. the other application is at 7A Middleton Crescent, to use land at the back of the house to build 10 new houses and 14 apartments.

These applications have only just been received by the council and will need to be evaluated. Local residents will be written to to seek their views on the scheme, although many have already contacted their local councillors Steve Carr and Adele Brunton to express their concerns. Steve and Adele will ensure that the planning officers are fully aware of these, and that these views are taken into account. In due course this application will come to the Development Control Committee for a decision to be made. Members will need to consider whether the proposed scheme is appropriate in the area, and again the views of local residents will be given due consideration.

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