Wednesday, 5 March 2008

Council tax increase just 9p per week

Broxtowe Borough Council has tonight agreed the budget for the next year, the first by the new Lib-Dem led administration. The average council tax rise will be just 9p per week. Councillors in the debate pointed out that even this increase would have been less were it not for the Government taking money from Broxtowe and similar councils to keep council tax rises down in the southern shire councils.

Tuesday, 4 March 2008

EU Referendum Vote

We were very disappointed to see that our local Labour MP was one of many who voted against allowing the people of Britain to have a vote on whether or not the UK should remain part of the European Union. We believe that being in Europe is the best for Britain, and we would like the opportunity for the people of Britain to affirm this. Sadly Labour have denied them this.